Saturday, December 8, 2012

RIP Grandpa Dean / Road Trip

Well My Grandfather passed away after a Long battle with cancer and a year in Hospice on November 30th.  I Love you grandpa and will forever remember you and you will always be in my heart. 
On that note me and Emalee picked up and traveled to Independence Missouri!  It was Emalee's first real long car ride/road trip.  She got to meet a ton of great family and had a lot of attention!  Of course how can you not pay a bunch of attention to this adorable little girl! 

Happy Car ride

Sleepy/ not so happy car ride :-)

I thought Uncle John was gonna steel her away!

Cool Baby!

First Chicken Bone

Hanging with the guys

My dad, Uncle Donnie, and Uncle Rob

Nothing but cute cute smiles for mommy!

First Christmas tree hunt!

The Friday following Thanksgiving we went up to Laramie and headed out with the Bade's, Hannerhans, and Gasson's to get a Christmas tree in Fox park.  Baby girl loved riding around on mom and dad while we trucked through snow looking for our perfect Christmas tree.  We found one that turned out perfect in our little house!  I am so excited for when Emalee gets bigger and she can run around in the snow with the other kids and dogs :-) Also while we were up there we got to see a mama moose and two babies!  I truly do love Wyoming and our amazing wildlife :-)

Thanksgiving 2012

We spent Thanksgiving at my parents home this year!  It was amazing!  Thanksgiving eve we ate a ton of seafood and played fun games until hours in the night :-) We had a lot of fun with the Bade's.  Thanksgiving day we sat around and ate lots of food :-) It was Emalee's first Thanksgiving.  We look forward to many more to come.  I am very Thankful for our wonderful families that mean so much to us, and Thankful for my beautiful family, and Thankful for my healthy amazing little girl :-)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Home and Healthy!!!

Well we were released from Childrens Hospital on Thursday Morning!! This momma has never been so happy to get out of there!!  Even though the care and doctors were awesome! I was ready to be home with Allan and our sweet baby girl  :-) We are going to follow up with the Cardiologist in December, lucky us they travel to Cheyenne so we do not have to go to Denver.  They are not worried about her leaky valves right now and her liver enzymes, Doctor Collins was pretty confident she will just take time but everything will go back to normal.  I'm sure I will continue to be a nervous nelly every time her hands and feet get cold.  I have listened to her heart a thousand times and just cant help myself! We have recently found out that it runs in the Taylor side of Allan's family, Allan's uncle has it and some cousins, so it feels nice to know it wasn't just some random situation :-) We look forward to learning more about her lovely heart condition and everything in between.  Here are some pics of the hospital and some of Miss Emalee while we were there :-)

Denver Childrens Hospital is ranked in the top 10 in the nation :-)

 The hospital was awesome they brought around some toys and books for Emalee, so we continued our bedtime routine and she is still sleeping in her crib today :-)
 She had to wear a wash rag around her IV in her wrist cause she almost pulled it out!!! So she had a club arm :-) Crazy Girl!
 So stinking cute!!!  Love her!!
 Three of the grandparents peaking in on her while she was in her crib!
 My Snuggle bunny!!
 Headed Home!!  She looks so excited :-)

We started working on Tummy time!! I cant believe how strong she is and how she is holding herself up! We pray and hope she continues to be a happy healthy little girl with a life full of family, friends, and laughter!

 Love this picture she is so full of attitude!! She cracks me up :-)
 Thanks again to all our friends and family for the great support while she was in the hospital!!  It means a lot to our little family :-)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wolff Parkinson White Sndrome

Well Miss Emalee has surprised us yet again.
On Thursday the 1st Emalee started not really wanting to eat as much and sleeping a little more than usual.  I went a head and called the Doctor on Friday because I thought maybe she had thrush and that it was causing her to not want to eat.  The doctor had me go see the lactation specialist at the hospital to make sure she was latching properly.
When we got to the hospital the nurse said that Emalee looked great and weighed in at 9.9 lbs (a 2 pound gain since her 2 week check up :-)   ). And she has a cute little belly on her. I had noticed previously that she had some orange crystals in her diapers that was concerning to me because I knew she was dehydrated.  They went ahead and diagnosed that I had thrush on me so they sent us to the Children's clinic to have Emalee evaluated. 
The Doctor ran a CBC on her to make sure she didn't have an infection and did a thorough exam on her.  He said that her right ear was questionable and put her on Amoxicillin Said if she gets worse to just take her straight to the ER and sent us home.
Emalee continued to not eat as much nurse less and sleep a lot more!  So of course me, crazy and paranoid was asking everyone and anyone their opinion.  Most everyone stated she was more than liking experiencing a growth spurt and that it was normal.  In my mind I kept thinking something was wrong.

So I worked a 16 hr shift on Sunday and Miss Emalee was with Dad all day and only ate 3oz and slept all day.  I called him a million times. :-)..  When I got home she nursed for a little while but then slept through the night.  I went back to work at 6am and could not stop thinking about why she was acting so strange, trying to convince myself nothing was wrong.  I put in a call to the clinic to update them on how she was and the little amount of food she was eating.  They finally called me back and said I should take her to the ER because the clinic was too busy to get her in. 
I left work "sick" so I could take her myself.  Me and Allan went to the ER and actually got in right away.  The Dr. came in and said that she looked good but her heart sounded really loud.  So they ran an EKG and did some xrays and ultrasound to insure her belly didnt have an obstruction and to monitor her heart.  When they hooked her EKG up they noted she was in supra ventricular tachycardia.  things started moving a lot faster and Denver Childrens cardiologist was called immediatly.
When the nurse inserted her iv in her head vein, Emalee cardio converted herself back into normal sinus rhythm.  She had already began to look like a new baby.  Her color was coming back, and they started her on IV fluids to rehydrate her.  she started turning pink again and smiling and cueing as if nothing was wrong :-)
In the picture she is having an echocardiogram of her heart which they sent to Denvers Cardiologist.  They decided to send her to Denver Via ambulance because her liver enzymes were elevated more than likely due to her being in SVT for so long.  So we went for a ride :-)
After we got to Denver the doctor was really good at explaining everything to us. She has Wolff Parkinson White syndrome. 
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is a heart condition in which there is an abnormal extra electrical pathway of the heart. The condition can lead to episodes of rapid heart rate (tachycardia).
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is one of the most common causes of fast heart rate disorders in infants and children.
He said that if she were to have a heart problem this is the best one to have :-) this put me at ease and I have felt better since!  Since then they have repeated her Echo, xrays and labs.  She started a beta blocker drug named propanolol to help reduce her heart rate and hopefully prevent a further episode of SVT.  She needs to be monitored for the new medication which is a reason why we will be here till at least thursday.

She is still my beautiful baby and is a trooper through everything!!  Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts!! We will keep an update on her progress and send cute pictures :-)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Only About 2 years behind :-)

Well I am totally behind on this blog!  I have not updated since me and Allan got married almost 2 years ago!!! I am going to try and keep things more updated now that Miss Emalee is here!!!  Ill start with where we left off :-)
I graduated nursing school on December 9th, it was amazing and it feels good to have an associates degree in nursing.  I will extend my schooling and get a bachelors staring in January of 2013.

Then we bought a house and went through many houses until we found one that was just right for our family and in the future one more!!

First of all we found out we were pregnant in January of 2012.  It came to a surprise to us because we had been trying but then decided to wait a little longer and of course that is when I got pregnant!

My pregnancy was actually really easy!  I had no morning sickness, my only problem was my back.  I have had a bad back for a long while prior to getting pregnant and the weight of the pregnancy did not help!  I did not enjoy being pregnant if I am completely honest :-) I did not like being restricted and I was limited on things I could do at work which really bothered me.  Then when I was 30 weeks I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes.  Unfortunately the only risk factor I had was that I was over weight to begin with.  I had to check my blood sugars 4 times a day, even though I really only checked them 3.  I had to be on glyburide 5mg twice a day to help keep my blood sugars down because I could not control it well with my diet. I weekly stress tests to monitor baby heart rate and make sure she wasnt in any distress.

Baby shower!!!  Turned out awesome, I got a ton of diapers, bedding, clothing, and enough gift cards that I only spent 200 dollars on her room and accessories.  I thank all my family and friends for putting it together and making it a great day! 

At 37 weeks I went in for an growth ultrasound and this is what happened!!!
              -They induced me on the 6th due to my amniotic fluid being low, she was measuring over 8.5 lbs, and baby showed a little stress in our weekly stress test.  We were very surprised when they told us we were going to the hospital that day.  I cried and had a panic attack, went home packed, stopped and got something to eat,  and headed to the hospital.  We were admitted to labor and delivery room and waited until the doctor arrived to decide how to approach this little one.  She decided to use a gel that started my contractions, I was 1 cm dilated at that time.  About four hours later They checked me again and I was at 3 ½ cm and cruising along so they broke my water.  Around midnight I decided to get the epidural.  The anesthesiologist was super awesome, unfortunately he did have minor problems and had to attempt the epidural twice from which was very painful, Poor Allan was with me most of the time up until I almost passed out due to him hitting a nerve in my back, Allan was feeling for me so the nurse stepped in and Allan hung out on the side coaching me through this epidural.  Once the epidural was in it worked great for about an hour then all of a sudden I started feeling contractions in the left side of my uterus.  It was about 10 times stronger than what they were before the epidural.  The anesthesiologist sat with me for about 30 min and we debated going through it again and redoing the epidural, the pain became tolerable and I shifted my position and I decided to wait it out.  I finally fell asleep around 3am and woke up to being completely numb!  The epidural finally worked!  About 5 in the morning the nurse checked me and I was dilated to an 8.  The doctor came in an hour later and said I was still dilated at an 8 and that the baby was not moving down the canal and my cervix was hardening on one side.  We collectively decided to advance to a c-section due to me being tired and ready to be done.  The doctor said usually when that happens it ends up being a c- section in the end.  So in less than an hour we were in the OR getting ready to see our baby girl for the first time.  After a lot of tugging and cutting Emalee was born at 7:38am via c-section. 
          Allan was able to cut the cord and we had great staff that took great care of us.  She weighed 7 pounds and 9 ounces, and was 20 inches long.  I was on some pretty good pain medications and not In a whole lot of pain.  The nurses call me a the rock star because I was managing my pain very well.  I ended up maybe taking pain medication a couple time and started walking and showering that night.  I have never thought a shower felt so amazing!!  

We were released from the hospital on Sunday and due to a slightly high billirubin we had to take Emalee to her first Dr. appointment on Monday.  There she weighed 6 pounds 10 ounces and her billirubin was still slightly elevated but the doctor said she was not worried about it because of her age.  They wanted us to supplement every other feeding with a little formula because of her weight loss until my milk came in.  We supplemented maybe 3 times and on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning my milk came in.  We went on Wednesday for a weight check and she went up to 6 lbs 13oz.  and her billirubin was stabilized.  

She is a champ and so far a really good baby.  Eats and sleeps.  Allan has been an awesome help for me and my surgery and with Emalee, I have never seen so much love come out of someone’s eyes. 
 Allan truly is in love with this little girl as am I.  

Since then we have just been a happy family!!  The dogs have gotten use to Emalee along with the cat.  Bella out chocolate lab is very concerned with her every time she cry's and runs to check her out and make sure everything is ok :-)

I started work again and working two 16 hr shifts on Sunday and Monday and an 8 gr shift on Wednesdays,  Allan gets her all day Sunday and my mom watches her Monday and Wednesday evenings after Allan goes to work.  It has worked out really nice to not have a daycare and spend all that money!!   
Allan recently got a propmotion at work and is training to be an hourly mangaer, which is awesome because he will be making some great money!

 We just celebrated Halloween and it was fun!!  Allan had to work so me and Emalee headed over to Laramie to hang out with the cousins and enjoy our first Halloween.  She was not too excited about the costume but she managed. 

We went to the Children's clinic, the kids church and then around the neighborhood.  Emalee was a champ and hung out in her car seat the whole time.  We do wish Allan could have been with us but we made sure to take lots of pictures for him :-)

We will be having family pictures done soon!!  and here is one last picture!!  I know I am obsessed.